1) What is a class?
Ans-Class is a blue print which reflects the
entities attributes and actions. class is
designing an user defined data type.
2)What is an object?
Ans- Object is instance of the class and also
called as blueprint of class.
3)What is inheritance?
Ans- Inheritance is the process of access the
properties of the exiting class into the
new class. The existing class is called as
parent class and the inherited class is
called as derived/child class.
Type - Single, Multilevel, Multiple,
Hierarchical and Hybrid.
4)What is an abstract class in C++?
Ans- abstract class is class which is not created for object
and it have one pure virtual function.
5)What is function overloading and
operator overloading?
Ans- In function overloading functions with the same
name with different parameters is called as function
overloading. operator overloading a new work for the
existing operator w.r.t the class objects is called as
operator overloading.
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